I was able to do a photoshoot for Burnsini Vineyard in Cottonwood CA. They are a wonderful small vineyard. They have their vineyard in Cottonwood, and a tasting room in Redding, at The Enjoy store.
They have AIR BNB on the premises. Here is the link to their AIRBNB: https://www.airbnb.com/s/homes?c=.pi0.pk16535840632_131657904462&sem_automaid=true&gclid=Cj0KCQjwm6KUBhC3ARIsACIwxBgOub7i1bSRUF3Yr_o9hTSbV27x6SdQ8SxS1Fge2JoaWWnUxfOxLHMaAg2wEALw_wcB&dynamic_product_ids%5B%5D=40424382&omni_page_id=27964
Thier website is here: https://burnsini.com/