Half of my heart lives in California; the other half is in Guatemala.

El Jocotillo and La Limonada

A small village and the largest slum in Central America.

That stole my heart.

  • El Jocotillo

    El Jocotillo is a village about a hour and a half south of Guatemala City, the capital of Guatemala.

    It is a farming village, they are friendly welcoming community full of people that have hope and determination.

    Many live in what Americans would call shacks. Very small home made of corrugated metal, pieces of wood, and fabric. People living in the village it self has dirt flooring, and community water delivered to the village. The water is used my the whole village for anything you may need water for.

    I saw that most homes have rain catching buckets, this is only only way they have personal clean water.

  • La Limonada

    La Limonada is the largest slum in Central America. It is the home to approximately 60,000 people. It is one of the largest slums on the continent.

    I personally work with a native guatemalan, and when I talk to her about my work in Guatemala she is very hesitant, and worries about me, when I go to La Limonada.

    One trip down, we had to be police escorted into the schools that we work with. We had to take a different route to the school because a child (12 years old) was welcomed into a gang after he has his first murder (a 10 year old) and the funeral of the family, and the celebration from the gang kept us from being able to enter the normal way.

La Limonada was created in 1954 after a government shutdown.

The people named themselves La Linomada, meaning Lemonade, one community member said

“Because we are strong like LEMONS, but sweet!”